An antifascist Christmas

I've been laying low for the past few weeks, musically speaking. Politically speaking, not so much. Like many others, I've been shocked by the country's rapid descent into authoritarianism, and I see it as part of the artist's job to speak out against injustice. And like many others, I've been donating, calling elected officials, and spending far too much time on social media. I am always looking for ways to be more useful, so please be in touch if you're interested in what I can offer. (Besides music, I have a bachelor's in international relations and a strong background in the politics of the Middle East.)

Now to the fun stuff:

Dec. 15: the Blueshift Ensemble will be performing my trio Devotion, for flute, cello, and piano, in Memphis, TN. More info here

March 2017: I'll be in residence at Arteles in Finland! It's gonna be really cold. I'm hoping to see reindeer and the Northern Lights and Nokia and Sibelius and saunas and all the Finnish stereotypes.

May 10, 2017: My composers' collective, ICEBERG New Music, presents killer NYC new-music ensemble loadbang at the DiMenna Center in Manhattan. They'll be premiering a new piece of mine, along with four others, and at least one winner of our call for scores. (Submit to our call for scores! It's cheap and quick.)

June 2017: NY-based classical / jazz / hip-hop ensemble ShoutHouse will give the NYC premiere of Dharmakaya, which won their call for scores! You can hear a recording of the piece, performed by Blueshift Ensemble, here.

Also in June 2017, I will be in residence for two weeks at the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center For The Arts, in Nebraska. Cue Bright Eyes and Rilo Kiley. Yes, I know that was over ten years ago. No, I don't care.

And there's much more in the works, as always. Keep in touch!