
2014 // 9'
for two clarinets, piano, violin, and cello
composed for the American Chamber Ensemble ft. Stanley Drucker
premiered 11/16/14 at Christ & St. Stephen's Church, New York

Program Note:

Quintet represents my attempt to write the most open-hearted, emotionally honest music I could write. It was extremely difficult for me to compose, as every note - especially in the dark middle section - felt wrenched out of me. There is no program or outside inspiration of any kind, nor any musical processes or ideas being examined - only my desire to write something beautiful and true, with no filter.

In all of my music I am reaching for a sort of emotional, human core, which I can't place or describe but can almost touch. At the time it was written, this piece was as close as I'd come to expressing that core in my music. I am still deeply proud of it.


two clarinets in B-flat, piano, violin, cello